How do I change my personal information?
Settings > My Profile > Edit.
Tap on any section to change your personal information.
To edit your profile picture, tap your picture and select Take Photo or Choose Photo.

How do I view my schedule and results?
Go to Contacts > Teams.

Scroll down and tap the button Schedule/Results.

If you can't see this button it is because your manager, captain or admin has not added your league information yet.
How do I use teamo in a web browser/desktop?
Settings > Teamo Web/Desktop.
In a web browser go to ''.
On mobile tap Scan QR Code.
Hold your phone to scan the QR code on your web browser
After you get the green tick on your phone, you will be logged in on your web browser.

Your web browser will now display the below screen. Simply click continue to gain access!

Can I send an email to a whole section?
Yes, you can send to all teams under one section in one email. For example to send to the Men's section, type in the section email address (e.g. and it will send to all members in all teams within that section.
Can I send an email to multiple teams?
If you wish to send to multiple teams but not a whole section, you must send individual emails. For example, you cannot send to the Ladies 3s and Ladies 4s under one email. You will need to send them as two seperate emails.
How do I use teamoMail?
You no longer need everyone's email address to email your whole team/group!
To email your team or section go to the Contacts tab and tap Teams.
Select the team or group you wish to send an email to.
In Team Messaging Options tap Email Team or make a note of the team email address if you wish to send it from your desktop.
Sending an email to this address will automatically send the email to all of the contacts in that team/group.

How do I create a new teamo club?
Head to Settings.
Scroll down and tap Create new teamo club.
Once you have created your new club, to switch between clubs, go to Settings and then tap the switch club icon in the top right corner.

How can I turn off email notifications?
Head to your personal email inbox.
When you receive an email from teamo
Scroll to the bottom of the page, There will be an Unsubscribe button
Select this and you will be given a list of option of what emails you would like and not like to recieve.

Can I be a member of more than one club on teamo?
Yes, you can be a member of as many team or clubs as you need on teamo.
To add another club to your account, please ensure you sign up to the new team using the same contact details (email and phone number).
Once you have registered with both teams or clubs, head to Settings> About/Features/Tutorials > Resync My Teamo.
Head to Setting and you will see a switch club icon in the top right corner.
How can I move in between clubs?
Head to Settings
In the top right of your screen will appear a recycling icon.
Select this Icon, to flick between your registered clubs.