What's New: April 2022 Product Updates
As the football boots and hockey sticks are swapped for cricket bats and tennis rackets, Teamo continues to work with clubs to bring you new features designed to make your lives easier.
NEW: FA FullTime Fixtures Import
Football Clubs can now use our FA FullTime fixtures import function on desktop! Simply head to Manage Club > Import Fixtures > Choose the FullTime option from the menu once you get started > Enter your team ID number found on FA FullTime and click OK.
Design Update
Some clubs will have already moved to the updated app design over the last few weeks if the admin users chose to roll it out across the club. By the end of the month, this will no longer be optional and the new design will be rolled out across all club members.
This will benefit all members of the club. Using the search bar, admins can now look up the calendar for any specific team within the club. Managers, captains and players are able to search for calendars specific to their teams, and guardians are able to search for member specific calendars, i.e. their own calendar, or one of their dependents' calendars. The search bar can also be used to search for contacts, chats and much more!
Chats Updates
We've improved the syncing of messages sent via Teamo Chat to improve the in app messaging experience. We continue to monitor and improve the chat functionality based on feedback provided by clubs.
Teamo now offer clubs a customised and responsive website for your club, fully integrated with Teamo and controlled using the app. Speak to your account manager or click here to find out more!
That's all for now! We'd love to hear your feedback so please get in touch to share your comments.