Teamo Talks: Safeguarding Junior Members
About Haslemere Hockey Club

Haslemere Hockey Club is one of Hampshire's leading hockey clubs founded in 1946. They have grown from strength to strength over the years with their 8 men's teams, 5 ladies teams and their thriving junior hockey age categories all using teamo for their second season.
The initial app set up was really easy. We ran a pilot of the app for our summer hockey last year and immediately saw the benefits of not having to handle cash. Notifications and communications were made easier and we could gauge game interest quickly and easily. With the success of the summer we discussed it with our board and decided to roll it out to the whole club
(Andrew, Club Admin)
Junior Team Access & Safeguarding
It is important all clubs prioritize safeguarding of Under 18 Members. With our childsafe features, parents and guardians are included in all communciations between an adult and a minor. They can also co-manage their child's availability, complete consent forms and be contacted in case of an emergency in seconds.
Before Teamo, we had a manual process of printing and collecting consent for our U18 club members to evidence consent. This consumed the time of our team managers and our parents and guardians. With Teamo we have overhauled our process and now use the app to collate all the necessary information saving time across both members and our volunteers.
(Andrew, Club Admin)
Why Teamo?
The Hampshire based club were looking for a simple way to collect payments and start saving money by chasing those who have not paid! Haslemere Hockey Club uses one of our payment providers, Stripe that enables collected payments to go straight into the clubs bank account! Therefore, no more missing payments!
We look forward to seeing this years accounts to see how much we have saved in our first year of teamo
(Andrew, Club Admin)
Being able to link Teamo to Stripe so that payments go straight to our bank account gives us greater confidence that the club receives all our income. Payments are made with a click so there is no excuse for not paying as it is so easy.
(Andrew, Club Admin)
What do the members think?
Implementing a club management platform to over 1000 members can be difficult however teamo has features that engages all members- availability and selection, chat options, payments and so much more. They started off with a pilot for a couple of teams to understand all of the features that would benefit them, then launched it to the whole club!
We would recommend Teamo to all clubs as teamo gets it.
(Andrew, Club Admin)
I regularly hear glowing feedback from our club members on how much better it is than our old website and cash process. The club has seen Teamo as a resounding success
(Andrew, Club Admin)