Customer Story: Dubai Sharks RFC
Dubai sharks are one of Dubai's biggest rugby clubs with over 670 playing and non-playing members. In the summer of 2021 they undertook a massive expansion to include nearly 300 new junior members. With such a big expansion on the cards, the club's administrators were on the look out for a club management system to cater for all their needs.
Why the need for a online club management platform?
"We went from Excel sheets, and countless emails back and forth, with paper registration forms looking after around 60 playing members. We've had a whole men's and youth club migrate across to us which has happened very quickly over the summer while a lot of families were still away travelling. Over the Summer we had to onboard nearly 300 kids plus additional senior members. With the influx of Mini & Youth members it was really important the parents were comforted by the admin and data side of things working properly and efficiently."
How has Teamo Helped?
"Teamo's online payments have also been invaluable in our progress over the last few months and now each team/age group manager has all that they need at their fingertips. For the seniors, where we previously really struggled with getting membership subs in, this has really helped us look more professional and organised but also the online payment has removed the age old excuses we used to get."
"With such a hectic summer of growth, Teamo has really helped, and given parents real confidence about the club they are moving across to having such a useful platform. Plus the coaches and managers are delighted they don't have a million different WhatsApp groups and excel sheets!"
Teamo is allowing clubs the chance to discover how much time and energy they can save with an all-in-one club management solution. Do everything from managing members and maintaining the books to running selection and collecting match-fees.
Discover how Teamo can work for you, just as it has for Dubai Sharks.