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Posted on January 1st 2018 by Joe Scales

8 Tips To Improve Your Fitness In 2018

1. Set specific, achievable goals

It's often the case that when the New Year comes around we start setting vague, unachievable resolutions! So why not make a change and set action-orientated resolutions and goals that have a greater chance of being upheld! For example, setting a goal such as lose weight and improve fitness will not be easy to see through. Instead, why not set yourself the challenge of a 25 minute 5km run, with a goal like this, you can and can easily plan and track your progress.

2. Build intensity and volume gradually

One of the biggest mistakes made by many sportsmen and women when working on fitness is that they attempt to do too much too quickly. This approach not only leads to injuries but is also very difficult to maintain. We recommend building in intensity and volume over time so that you are always improving - a far more sustainable method of training. For example, it may be progressively adding 500m to your runs or adding 5kg to the bar in your workouts. You'll find constant improvement far more enjoyable than jumping straight in at the deep end!

3. Stick with it for 66 days

This popular study shows that the average length of time it takes participants to form a new habit was 66 days. Although it may take less time, we recommend that you put in the effort for the first few months so that your 2018 fitness goals naturally become a part of your daily life!

4. Minimise pain and the risk of injury

Unfortunately, even professional players can't escape the effects of a new fitness routine. There are some easy ways to manage and minimise the pain you may feel in the days following a workout. Warming up and warming down with some dynamic stretches is the best method for injury and pain prevention - easing the muscles into and out of a workout can work wonders. You may also want to consider purchasing a foam roller, not only do they help with the rehabilitation of soft tissue and fascial aches, pains, tension and restrictions but they also help remove lactic acid following exercise!

5. Don't be afraid to mix it up!

It's easy to get stuck in a rut when working on your fitness, workouts can quickly become monotonous and so we suggest that as soon as you stop enjoying something, stop doing it! There are a million ways to live an active lifestyle and so don't be afraid to think out of the box and mix up your routine for a week or two. Perhaps try a new class or simply swap out those low intensity routines for high intensity interval training.

6. Avoid the term diet and keep a food diary

Putting in time in the kitchen is just as important as your fitness routine, however it often carries negative connotations. Keeping a food diary is a great way to change the way you think about your nutrition and also holds you accountable. Eating healthily doesn't have to mean swapping out foods you love for boring alternatives, it is a chance to explore new meals and start experimenting! The best place to start is by cutting out processed and junk foods, you'll be surprised by the quantity of healthy food you can consume without gaining weight and by how much it aids in recovery.

7. Find a workout partner

Training with a buddy is easily one of the best ways to increase accountability! Whilst adding another level of commitment to your training, this can also add an increased level of effort with a set schedule and routine. You'll push each other to achieve and do more whilst probably having a much better time achieving your goals.

8. Reward your successes!

The best way to ensure continued progress is to celebrate your successes. Whether that's with a 'cheat meal', new workout clothes or a night out, this will keep your motivation levels high to keep moving forward!

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